Hi Fi

I remem­ber the Nation­al Lam­poon of my youth as cut­ting-edge, razor sharp social satire with some sophis­ti­cat­ed sex­u­al humor tossed in to keep the plebes hap­py. When I got the jokes and the arcane polit­i­cal ref­er­ences, I felt like I was part of a high-mind­ed fra­ter­ni­ty. Well, I start­ed look­ing through some of the Nation­al Lam­poon archive recent­ly, and it’s safe to say that the real­i­ty is a lit­tle dif­fer­ent than my mem­o­ry. While there was some fun­ny art­work and clever satire, most­ly I saw a shit ton of tit­ties. Plus a mil­lion stereo ads with more tit­ties. I can’t say the ads didn’t work. To this day, I love a good stereo.


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