I started running today. I’m not a gambler, but gun to my head, I’d say the odds that I continue running in the coming days are as close to 0 as as my ass is to the ground. Oh, wait that’s my stomach. “So you’re saying I still have a chance…”
Not really. I’m 54. I haven’t run in 15 years. I’m whatever word comes after “morbidly” in the obese continuüm. (My vote goes to “Morbid-Pro”.) Also, I hate running, and I have an arthritic knee, flat feet, and neuropathy.
So, I’m kinda hotshit, is what I’m saying.
Tonight I ran like this : one minute run, then one minute rest. Repeat that seven times. The good news ? On the last rep, I actually ran two blocks before I gassed out.
The other good news is I have done this before. When I was in my early 30s I decided to start running. I was in terrible shape then too, and I started the same way, increasing the time by one minute every week and slowly decreasing the walking. And it worked. I was running three miles a day in two months. At one point, I was up to seven miles a day.
So I know this can work, which doesn’t mean it will. Especially when I don’t really care if I can run seven miles. Or three. I just want to be able to run and hike as easily as I ride a bike.
Because as out of shape as I am when it comes to running, I have surprisingly decent cycling conditioning. After not riding for three months (thanks to the holy trinity of crappiness : illness, weather, and illness), I got on my bike and was back to riding 15 – 20 miles on my lunch hour rides in a few days. I want to balance things out : glutes and quads, not one or the other.
Plus my cycling goals now are so time consuming. 100 miles a week, 50 mile rides once a week, 2500 feet of climbing a week, etc. That’s hours of riding, which I would love to do, but I don’t really have the time. To reach a huge running milestone, all I have to do is run twelve minutes without walking. One mile. If I could do that, I’d call the Queen and take her to lunch — it would be a bigger accomplishment than riding a century.
It’s not going to happen, but I’m posting this just in case.